An Interaction Model for Resource Implement Complexity Based on Risk and Number of Annual Moves

American Antiquity Vol/Iss. 73(4) Cambridge University Press Published In Pages: 599-625
By Read, Dwight


A greater than expected implement elaborateness than what is predicted by the interaction model of growing season (GS) and number of annual moves (NMV) suggests a "collecting" subsistence strategy, and a lesser value than expected predicts a "foraging" subsistence strategy.


These two subgroups were selected manually based on their residuals, and then two regression lines (with GS x NMV as the dependent variable and the average number of technounits per subsistant (TTS/STS) as the independent variable) were modeled on each of the subgroups. The R^2 values of these lines were .98 and .94, confirming the existence of two subgroups. When the hunter-gatherer groups within each of these subgroups were examined, it was found that the group with higher elaborateness consisted mostly of collectors (6/9), and the lower group consisted mostly of foragers (6/9).


Test NameSupportSignificanceCoefficientTail
Regression AnalysisSupport ClaimedUNKNOWNUNKNOWNUNKNOWN