Found 1764 Hypotheses across 177 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. "[There is] . . . a greater similarity . . . between the groups within the various geographical areas than between the different geographical areas" (306)Kaplan, Bert - Culture and visual imagery: a comparison of Rorschach responses in eleven s..., 1965 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the differences in Rorschach percepts among people of different cultures and different geographic areas. Several patterns are observed.

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  2. ". . . significant differences are found in the Rorschach percepts of people in different societies" (299)Kaplan, Bert - Culture and visual imagery: a comparison of Rorschach responses in eleven s..., 1965 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the differences in Rorschach percepts among people of different cultures and different geographic areas. Several patterns are observed.

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  3. ". . . there is a reliable difference [in Rorschach percepts of people] between geographical areas" (301)Kaplan, Bert - Culture and visual imagery: a comparison of Rorschach responses in eleven s..., 1965 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the differences in Rorschach percepts among people of different cultures and different geographic areas. Several patterns are observed.

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  4. "[There is] . . . an overall similarity or homogeneity of [Rorschach] response among the eleven cultures" (305)Kaplan, Bert - Culture and visual imagery: a comparison of Rorschach responses in eleven s..., 1965 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the differences in Rorschach percepts among people of different cultures and different geographic areas. Several patterns are observed.

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  5. Human bodies are designed to function well for about seven decades in the environment in which our species evolved (2)Gurven, Michael - Longevity Among Hunter-Gatherers: A Cross-Cultural Examination, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This article seeks to reevaluate the widespread assumption that hunter-gatherers lack the longevity that people in the modern, industrialized world enjoy. Through modeling life expectancy, mortality, and other demographic trends among extant hunter-gatherer, gatherer-horticulturalists, and horticulturalists societies they are able to challenge this belief. The authors conclude that longevity is a "novel feature of Homo sapiens" and that seven decades seems to be the natural lifespan of a human.

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  6. Greater male contribution to subsistence economy will be positively associated with male transvestism (308).Munroe, Robert L. - Male transvestism and subsistence economy, 1977 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the theory that transvestism is a way for boys to escape the male role. Munroe and Munroe use male contribution to subsistence as a new measure of a "rigorous male role." Findings suggest an association between male predominance in subsistence and presence of transvestism.

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  7. Some reputation domains will be more common across cultures than others.Garfield, Zachary H. - The content and structure of reputation domains across human societies: a v..., 2021 - 20 Variables

    Reputations are an important aspect of human social interactions and cooperation, but much of the research on reputations has focused on a narrow range of domains such as prosociality and aggressiveness. This study aims to provide an empirical view of reputation domains across different cultures by analyzing ethnographic texts on reputations from 153 cultures. The findings suggest that reputational domains vary across cultures, with reputations for cultural conformity, prosociality, social status, and neural capital being widespread. Reputation domains are more variable for males than females, and certain reputation domains are interrelated. The study highlights the need for future research on the evolution of cooperation and human sociality to consider a wider range of reputation domains and their variability across different social and ecological contexts and genders.

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  8. Different reputation domains are emphasized for men and women.Garfield, Zachary H. - The content and structure of reputation domains across human societies: a v..., 2021 - 21 Variables

    Reputations are an important aspect of human social interactions and cooperation, but much of the research on reputations has focused on a narrow range of domains such as prosociality and aggressiveness. This study aims to provide an empirical view of reputation domains across different cultures by analyzing ethnographic texts on reputations from 153 cultures. The findings suggest that reputational domains vary across cultures, with reputations for cultural conformity, prosociality, social status, and neural capital being widespread. Reputation domains are more variable for males than females, and certain reputation domains are interrelated. The study highlights the need for future research on the evolution of cooperation and human sociality to consider a wider range of reputation domains and their variability across different social and ecological contexts and genders.

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  9. Some reputation domains will be correlated with one another.Garfield, Zachary H. - The content and structure of reputation domains across human societies: a v..., 2021 - 20 Variables

    Reputations are an important aspect of human social interactions and cooperation, but much of the research on reputations has focused on a narrow range of domains such as prosociality and aggressiveness. This study aims to provide an empirical view of reputation domains across different cultures by analyzing ethnographic texts on reputations from 153 cultures. The findings suggest that reputational domains vary across cultures, with reputations for cultural conformity, prosociality, social status, and neural capital being widespread. Reputation domains are more variable for males than females, and certain reputation domains are interrelated. The study highlights the need for future research on the evolution of cooperation and human sociality to consider a wider range of reputation domains and their variability across different social and ecological contexts and genders.

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  10. Food accumulation will be more highly correlated with compliance than over variables such as size of settlement, degree of political integration, social stratification, greater part of women in predominant subsistence activity, polygyny, bride price and bride service, unilineal descent (59).Barry III, Herbert - Relation of child training to subsistence economy, 1959 - 2 Variables

    This article discusses the relationship between child training and certain variables, such as economy.

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