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  1. Controlling for mode of subsistence and male contribution, father-infant proximity (proxy for direct infant care) is negatively correlated with polygyny (p. 52).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  2. Controlling for mode of subsistence and father-infant proximity, male contribution to subsistence is negatively correlated with degree of polygyny (p. 52-3).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  3. Male aggressiveness is negatively correlated with father-infant proximity (55).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  4. Social stratification (degree of variation in male status) is positively associated with degree of polygyny among forager and horticulturalists (p. 52).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  5. Male contribution to subsistence is inversely correlated with effective temperature (51).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  6. Male contribution to subsistence will be negatively associated with percent of polygynous women among foragers (292-3).Marlowe, Frank W. - The mating system of foragers in the standard cross-cultural sample, 2003 - 3 Variables

    This article examines variation in polygyny among foragers. Empirical analysis suggests that the level of male provisioning influences mating systems: higher male contribution to subsistence is associated with monogamy. The influences of pathogen stress, male-male competition, and male coercion are also considered.

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  7. Virilocality is positively correlated with level of stratification and men's time in subsistence activity (48).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 3 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  8. Variation in paternal care within a species will be correlated with variation in socioecological conditions (157).Katz, Mary Maxwell - The role of the father: an anthropological perspective, 1981 - 4 Variables

    This chapter examines the relationship between male parental behavior and influences of species, ecological and social factors. The authors first present a cross-phylogenetic perspective on paternal differences between species, then offer two quantitative studies: a comparative study of non-western human societies that correlates father-infant proximity with socioecological factors and another about father-infant proximity among the !Kung.

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  9. A father's role during infancy will predict cultural rules constraining polygyny.Minocher, Riana - Explaining marriage patterns in a globally representative sample through soc..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    Researchers examine marriage patterns of 186 societies from the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS). The eleven predictor variables are pathogen stress, arranged female marriages, population density, father roles during infancy, temperature, social stratification, wealth inequality, internal warfare, assault frequency, female agricultural contribution, and sex ratio. The two outcome variables measuring polygyny are cultural rules constraining polygyny and the percentage of married men who are polygynous. Controlling on phylogeny using a global supertree of the languages, analysis of marriage patterns reveals that assault frequency and pathogen stress are the strongest predictors of polygyny. These findings offer additional support for the theories of harem-defense polygyny and male genetic quality.

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  10. Male contribution to subsistence will be negatively associated with infant mortality, juvenile mortality, and post-infant juvenile mortality (756-7).Marlowe, Frank W. - Male contribution to diet and female reproductive success, 2001 - 4 Variables

    This article seeks to understand male-female bonding by testing the relationship between male contribution to subsistence (a proxy for male provisioning) and female reproductive success in foraging societies. Analysis supports a positive association.

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