Found 2261 Hypotheses across 227 Pages (0.036 seconds)
  1. Greater ancestral irrigation potential is associated with lower contemporary female labor force participation.Fredriksson, Per G. - Irrigation and gender roles, 2023 - 2 Variables

    This paper suggests that ancestral irrigation is linked to lower levels of contemporary female labor force participation. The hypothesis is tested using cross-country data, as well as data from various surveys. The study finds evidence that the gender-based division of labor in pre-modern agriculture may be the mechanism behind this relationship, and that cultural transmission across generations, particularly through males, may play a role in perpetuating this pattern.

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  2. More traditional plough use is associated with higher contemporary male labor force participation.Fredriksson, Per G. - Irrigation and gender roles, 2023 - 2 Variables

    This paper suggests that ancestral irrigation is linked to lower levels of contemporary female labor force participation. The hypothesis is tested using cross-country data, as well as data from various surveys. The study finds evidence that the gender-based division of labor in pre-modern agriculture may be the mechanism behind this relationship, and that cultural transmission across generations, particularly through males, may play a role in perpetuating this pattern.

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  3. Ideas about gender roles in labor as derived from irrigation potential and plough use are transmitted across generations by men in Europe.Fredriksson, Per G. - Irrigation and gender roles, 2023 - 4 Variables

    This paper suggests that ancestral irrigation is linked to lower levels of contemporary female labor force participation. The hypothesis is tested using cross-country data, as well as data from various surveys. The study finds evidence that the gender-based division of labor in pre-modern agriculture may be the mechanism behind this relationship, and that cultural transmission across generations, particularly through males, may play a role in perpetuating this pattern.

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  4. Ideas about gender roles in labor as derived from irrigation potential and plough use are transmitted across generations in America.Fredriksson, Per G. - Irrigation and gender roles, 2023 - 4 Variables

    This paper suggests that ancestral irrigation is linked to lower levels of contemporary female labor force participation. The hypothesis is tested using cross-country data, as well as data from various surveys. The study finds evidence that the gender-based division of labor in pre-modern agriculture may be the mechanism behind this relationship, and that cultural transmission across generations, particularly through males, may play a role in perpetuating this pattern.

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  5. More traditional plough use is associated with lower contemporary female labor force participation.Fredriksson, Per G. - Irrigation and gender roles, 2023 - 2 Variables

    This paper suggests that ancestral irrigation is linked to lower levels of contemporary female labor force participation. The hypothesis is tested using cross-country data, as well as data from various surveys. The study finds evidence that the gender-based division of labor in pre-modern agriculture may be the mechanism behind this relationship, and that cultural transmission across generations, particularly through males, may play a role in perpetuating this pattern.

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  6. Traditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in soil preparation (481).Alesina, Alberto - On the origins of gender roles: Women and the plough, 2013 - 7 Variables

    There is considerable variation both within and across societies in attitudes towards female employment outside of the household. In some societies, the dominant belief is that women should have equal opportunity to work outside the home, while in others women are strongly discouraged from working outside of the domestic sphere. Here the authors use pre-industrial ethnographic data and contemporary observations of gender inequality to test the hypothesis that cultural attitudes regarding the appropriateness of women working outside of the household are rooted in the ancestral adoption of plough cultivation. Contemporary measures of gender inequality assess variation across countries, ethnic groups, and individuals.

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  7. Root and tuber crops will will positively correlate with the higher involvement of women in the subsistence activities (161).Brown, Judith K. - Subsistence variables: a comparison of textor and sauer, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Textor's (1967) A Cross-Cultural Summary is used to test a variety of Sauer's (1952) hypotheses concerning the sequence of agricultural developments. Tests are primarily focused on subsistence variables.

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  8. The sexual division of labor between adults will be positively associated with the sexual division of labor between children (3).Bradley, Candice - Children's work and women's work: a cross-cultural study, 1987 - 2 Variables

    This article tests a model for the patterning of the sexual division of children's labor.

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  9. Traditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in crop harvesting (481).Alesina, Alberto - On the origins of gender roles: Women and the plough, 2013 - 6 Variables

    There is considerable variation both within and across societies in attitudes towards female employment outside of the household. In some societies, the dominant belief is that women should have equal opportunity to work outside the home, while in others women are strongly discouraged from working outside of the domestic sphere. Here the authors use pre-industrial ethnographic data and contemporary observations of gender inequality to test the hypothesis that cultural attitudes regarding the appropriateness of women working outside of the household are rooted in the ancestral adoption of plough cultivation. Contemporary measures of gender inequality assess variation across countries, ethnic groups, and individuals.

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  10. Women's work will be positively associated with children's work (3)Bradley, Candice - Children's work and women's work: a cross-cultural study, 1987 - 2 Variables

    This article tests a model for the patterning of the sexual division of children's labor.

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