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  1. "In addition to the fact that the stages of complexity of color vocabulary have a temporal ordering, there appears to be a positive correlation between general cultural complexity and complexity of color vocabulary" (16)Berlin, Brent - Basic color terms: their universality and evolution, 1969 - 2 Variables

    The research presented in this book challenges the notion that languages develop color terms independently of other languages. Authors find a universal inventory of eleven basic color categories from which the basic color terms are drawn. Authors also find an apparent fixed sequence of evolutionary stages through which a language must pass as its color vocabulary increases. A postive correlation between cultural complexity and complexity of color vocabulary is observed.

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  2. Geographic location and climatic zone will be positively associated with homicide rates (331-333)Bolton, Ralph - The ecology of East African homicide, 1973 - 3 Variables

    Using homicide rates as an indicator, this article examines the ecological factors that might be functioning as stressors in the environment of thirty-four East African tribes. A series of hypotheses dealing with the relationships between these stressors and tribal levels of aggressiveness are tested.

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  3. Population density will be positively associated with high homicide rates (329)Bolton, Ralph - The ecology of East African homicide, 1973 - 2 Variables

    Using homicide rates as an indicator, this article examines the ecological factors that might be functioning as stressors in the environment of thirty-four East African tribes. A series of hypotheses dealing with the relationships between these stressors and tribal levels of aggressiveness are tested.

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  4. Dietary factors will be positively associated with homicide rates (334-335)Bolton, Ralph - The ecology of East African homicide, 1973 - 2 Variables

    Using homicide rates as an indicator, this article examines the ecological factors that might be functioning as stressors in the environment of thirty-four East African tribes. A series of hypotheses dealing with the relationships between these stressors and tribal levels of aggressiveness are tested.

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  5. Speech communities further from the equator will be positively associated with having six or more basic color terms (364)Ember, Melvin - Size of color lexicon: interaction of cultural and biological factors, 1978 - 2 Variables

    Different languages contain different numbers of basic colors. One interpretation is that more complex societies will have more basic color terms. Another interpretation is that peoples with less pigmented eyes will have more basic color terms. This paper suggests that both interpretations are necessary in order to predict the number of basic color terms.

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  6. The percentage of adult males in the population will be postively associated with high homicide rates (329)Bolton, Ralph - The ecology of East African homicide, 1973 - 2 Variables

    Using homicide rates as an indicator, this article examines the ecological factors that might be functioning as stressors in the environment of thirty-four East African tribes. A series of hypotheses dealing with the relationships between these stressors and tribal levels of aggressiveness are tested.

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  7. The number of color terms in a society's language is strongly correlated with its level of social complexity (1118)Hays, David G. - Color term salience, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the Berlin-Kay color salience theory and offers four correlates of color salience: earliness of introduction, brevity of expression, frequency of use, and frequency of mention in ethnographic literature. All four correlations support the Berlin-Kay theory. The authors suggest that salience may be “an important general principle of cultural evolution” (1107).

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  8. "The frequency of a term in a single literary language correlates strongly with the earliness of that term in Berlin and Kay's evolutionary sequence" (1118)Hays, David G. - Color term salience, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the Berlin-Kay color salience theory and offers four correlates of color salience: earliness of introduction, brevity of expression, frequency of use, and frequency of mention in ethnographic literature. All four correlations support the Berlin-Kay theory. The authors suggest that salience may be “an important general principle of cultural evolution” (1107).

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  9. Economic complexity is positively associated with monotheism (859)Underhill, Ralph - Economic and political antecedents of monotheism: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Examines the cross-cultural correlates of belief in a high god or supreme creator. The results are compared to and found to be inconsistent with the theoretical perspectives of Swanson (1960) and Durkheim (1912).

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  10. Political complexity is positively associated with monotheism (859)Underhill, Ralph - Economic and political antecedents of monotheism: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Examines the cross-cultural correlates of belief in a high god or supreme creator. The results are compared to and found to be inconsistent with the theoretical perspectives of Swanson (1960) and Durkheim (1912).

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