Found 4238 Hypotheses across 424 Pages (0.04 seconds)
  1. Responsibility, self reliance, achievement, or independence training in childhood will be related to directness of adult aggression (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 5 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  2. "Directness of aggression is associated with high productivity, high creativity, low deviance-conformity, low incidence of crime, suicide, and mental illness" (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 8 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  3. ". . . childhood achievement is negatively correlated with crime" (266)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  4. The more direct and appropriate the expression of aggression, the lower the amount of crime (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  5. "Correlations for size of community and degree of political integration [with aggression] are negative but not significant" (266)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 3 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  6. "Political integration, social stratification, size of community and class stratification are correlated with crime" (266)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 5 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  7. "Dependence anxiety relates (negatively) with directness of adult aggression" (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  8. "Directness of aggression relates inversely with overall (average) anxiety in childhood" (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  9. "Infant and childhood indulgence relate positively to directness of aggression" (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 3 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  10. "Average anxiety and childhood achievement correlate negatively to crime" (264-265)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 3 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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