Found 1799 Hypotheses across 180 Pages (0.01 seconds)
  1. "When pain inflicted on the infant by the nurturant agent is high, then: [tobacco use is by both sexes]" (162)Blum, Richard H. - A cross-cultural study, 1969 - 2 Variables

    This chapter offers an exploratory study that examines the relationships between several culture characterstics, including child socialization practices, social structure, and food production, and mind-altering drug use in non-literate societies. All hypotheses were supported.

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  2. "Of . . . child rearing practices in infancy references to odors [in folktales] correlates negatively with absence of pain inflicted by the nurturant agent" (4)Hines, Dwight - Possible rhinencephalic influences on human maternal behavior: a cross-cult..., 1974 - 2 Variables

    Authors study the correlation between maternal behavior and reference to odors in folktales. They find several significant relationships between odor references in folk tales, maternal behavior, and various aspects of infant and child socialization.

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  3. ". . . an important mother, a good deal of indulgence, and a stress upon achievement or self-reliance tended to go with cultural practices that were related to a high frequency of drunkenness" (72)Davis, William N. - A cross-cultural study of drunkenness, 1964 - 6 Variables

    This study examines the influence of the "child-adult" conflict on the frequency of drunkenness in a culture. In particular, the author examines the socio-psychological factors that can induce a child-adult conflict, claiming that this conflict may be more common when mothers are the primary dispensers of rewards.

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  4. "A clear relationship between absence of pain from nurturing agent in infancy and [belief of predominant benevolence of] . . . supernaturals is shown" (164)Lambert, William W. - Some correlates of beliefs in the malevolence and benevolence of supernatura..., 1959 - 2 Variables

    This article tests hypotheses about the relationship between how the general anticipations of pain in develop in children and the formal belief systems of a society. The authors posit that beliefs in malevolent supernatural beings reflect punitive child rearing practices and beliefs in benevolent supernatural being relfect nurturing child rearing practices. Results generally support this hypothesis.

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  5. "Societies with beliefs in aggressive supernaturals . . . had fewer nurturant agents, protected the infant less from environmental discomforts, showed him less affection, were more inconsistent in caring for his needs, and took less care of his needs" (168)Lambert, William W. - Some correlates of beliefs in the malevolence and benevolence of supernatura..., 1959 - 5 Variables

    This article tests hypotheses about the relationship between how the general anticipations of pain in develop in children and the formal belief systems of a society. The authors posit that beliefs in malevolent supernatural beings reflect punitive child rearing practices and beliefs in benevolent supernatural being relfect nurturing child rearing practices. Results generally support this hypothesis.

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  6. "[In] societies where there was low constancy of presence of the nurturant agent, there was no separate name for the mother. . . . [Societies] where there was high constancy of presence of the nurturant agent . . . had a separate name for the mother" (112)Zern, David - The relationship between mother/infant contact and later differentiation of ..., 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between mother absence in child rearing and kinship terminology, particularly the differentiation of daughters and nieces. A significant association is found and the author offers theories of causality in both directions.

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  7. "[When] we . . . correlated menarcheal age with the Landauer-Whiting measure of infant stress . . . pain and shaping did show a positive association" (226)Whiting, John W.M. - Menarcheal age and infant stress in humans, 1965 - 3 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between infant stress and early menarche. Empirical analysis suggests that stress in infancy, such as mother-infant separation and head-shaping, are associated with early menarche.

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  8. "There is a negative correlation between male narcissism and nurturant indulgence or gratification of infants" (255)Slater, Philip E. - Maternal ambivalence and narcissism: a cross-cultural study, 1965 - 4 Variables

    This article explores narcissism and child-rearing. The author presents a theory that, if a society’s structural pattern weakens the marital bond, the mother will be ambivalent toward the son who consequently will become narcissistic. This process would reinforce itself as it is repeated by each generation.

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  9. "With regard to the relationship between a woman and her husband's father, the matrilineal systems show the greatest degree of informality (and least avoidance), while patrilineal are the least informal" (193)Goody, Jack - Cross-sex patterns of kin behavior: a comment, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the behavior between close kin and affines of the opposite sex. The authors "point to certain differences between continental areas that are related to specific social factors, including the structure of descent groups and the nature of marriage arrangements."

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  10. Parental rejection will be associated with a series of adult personality characteristics: self evaluation, self reliance, dependence, emotional responsiveness, world view, generosity, nurturance in adulthood (415).Rohner, Ronald P. - Parental rejection, food deprivation, and personality development: tests of ..., 1970 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates potential relationships between food deprivation, parental rejection, and personality development. Findings indicate that a series of adult personality characteristics (e.g. self evaluation and emotional responsiveness) are better predicted by parental rejection than by nutritional variables.

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