Family Organization

Associated Documents (8)

Associated Hypotheses (9)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Katz, Mary MaxwellVariation in paternal care within a species will be correlated with variation in socioecological conditions (157).
Davis, William N."Family organization . . . was not significantly related to 'frequency of drunkenness' " (35)
Romney, A. Kimball"Family organization is highly related to subsistence patterns, and in addition family organization predicts the type of child training to a very great extent" (219)
Cone, Cynthia A."Reported differences in personality descriptions among mixed farmers and pastoralists may be a result of a constellation of differences linked to the two types of economies" (295).
Werner, DennisExtended family households, local endogamy, and patrilocality will be positively associated with frequency of male homosexuality (356).
Lee, Gary R.Higher status of the elderly will be associated with agricultural rather than exploitative economies, extended rather than nuclear family organization, inheritance of real property, and patrilocal rather than other residence patterns (270).
Paige, Jeffery M.". . . small extended and polygynous families which are most likely to form fraternal interest groups are . . . more likely in patrilineal societies" (312)
Simmons, Leo W.Participation by the aged in general activities is dependent upon climate, permanency of residence, basic maintenance activities and family organization. The opportunity of the aged to participate in subsistence activities increases among herders and agriculturalists. Aged males are more likely to contribute to infant and child care in matriarchal societies. Midwifery is practiced by aged women regardless of cultural determinants (102, 103, 104)
Simmons, Leo W.Prestige of the aged is negatively correlated with severe climate and impermanent residence. It is positively correlated for aged men and women where they have property rights and influence in government. Aged women enjoy more prestige in hunting-gathering and fishing societies and in societies where matrilineal family organization prevails. Aged men have high prestige where the food supply is constant, where family organization type is patrilineal, in herding and framing societies, and w...

Associated OCMs

  1. family
  2. household
  3. nuclear family
  4. polygamy
  5. extended families