Subsistence Strategy

Associated Documents (8)

Associated Hypotheses (19)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Divale, William Tulio"Residence will be matrilocal when females predominate in subsistence (100).
Glascock, Anthony P.Treatment of the elderly will be related to climate, subsistence strategy, social stratification, and belief in active high gods (408).
Denham, TimMiddle-ground societies are geographically patterned.
Denham, TimSocieties that subsist on root crops and arboriculture will rely less on farming than societies that subsist on cereals.
Garfield, Zachary H.Some dimensions of leadership will vary across group context, subsistence strategy, continental region, and leader sex.
Read, DwightThe "collector" subgroup is associated with greater diversity than the "forager" subgroup.
Bira, Temechegn G.Vertical and oblique transmission are the most common forms of transmission amongst both pastoralists and hunter-gatherers.
Bira, Temechegn G.Concerted transmission is more common in pastoralists than hunter-gatherers.
Bira, Temechegn G.Prestige-bias is more common in pastoralists than in hunter-gatherers.
Bira, Temechegn G.Observation and imitation will be more common among hunter-gatherers than pastoralists.
Bira, Temechegn G.Teaching is more common amongst pastoralists than hunter-gatherers.
Bira, Temechegn G.The importance of teaching would increase with age in both pastoralists and hunter-gatherers.
Bira, Temechegn G.Stimulus enhancement is a more frequent form of teaching amongst pastoralists than hunter-gatherers.
Hrnčíř, VáclavHunter-gatherers are more likely to use clubs for hunting and fishing than primarily hunter-gatherer groups.
Hrnčíř, VáclavPrimarily hunter-gatherers are more likely to use clubs and throwing sticks for violence than hunter-gatherers.
Pierro, RacheleIntensive agriculturalists will have more coping mechanisms for dealing with natural hazards than hunter-gatherers.
Pierro, RacheleHunter gatherers have fewer religious coping mechanisms than intensive agriculturalists.
Pierro, RacheleHunter gatherers have fewer technological coping mechanisms than intensive agriculturalists.
Pierro, RacheleHunter gatherers have fewer economic coping mechanisms than intensive agriculturalists.

Associated OCMs

  1. food quest
  2. annual cycle
  3. animal husbandry
  4. agriculture
  5. diet
  6. division of labor by gender