Type Of Work Organization

Associated Documents (2)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Udy, Stanley H., Jr.Organization of work: a comparative analysis of production among nonindustrial peoples
Udy, Stanley H., Jr.Work in traditional and modern society

Associated Hypotheses (11)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."Organizations carrying on complex processes tend to be bureaucratic; whereas organizations carrying on simple processes tend to be associational" (38)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."Familial and custodial organizations tend to involve managerial or separated proprietorship; contractual and voluntary organizations, corporate proprietorship" (62)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."Tillage, construction, and animal husbandry tend to be carried on by custodial or familial organizations. . . . . Hunting, fishing and collection tend to be carried on by voluntary organizations. . . . If hunting and fishing are not carried on by voluntary organizations they tend to be carried on by custodial organizations" (62-63)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."Voluntary organizations and organizations with basic or auxiliary contractual elements tend to possess balanced compensatory reward systems" (102)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."Familial/reciprocal organizations and custodial corvees tend to be characterized by unbalanced leiturgical reward systems" (103)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."Among organizations where rewards are distributed, familial reciprocal forms tend to be characterized by distribution on the basis of gross participation only" (109)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."In custodial or voluntary organizations with balanced systems produce tends to be used as a distribution item rather than money or goods in kind. In familial organizations with balanced systems money or goods in kind tend to be used as distribution items" (106)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."With preindustrial social development comes a progressive decline in the prevalence of production determined work organization, and a progressive increase in the prevalence of socially determined work organization" (35-36)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."Production determined organizations tend to be temporary, and socially determined organizations tend to be permanent" (36)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr.Production determined organizations possess the exact number of authority levels required by the technology. Socially determined organizations possess more levels of authority than technologically necessary, and hence are inefficient (49)
Udy, Stanley H., Jr."Social development . . . results independently in decreased rationality for production determined and political forms and increased rationality for familial and contractual forms" (56)

Associated OCMs

  1. labor