Warfare Frequency

Associated Documents (13)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Divale, William TulioWar, peace, and marital residence in pre-industrial societies
Ember, Carol R.Violence in the ethnographic record: results of cross-cultural research on war and aggression
Ember, MelvinFear of disasters as an engine of history: resource crises, warfare, and interpresonal aggression
Ember, Carol R.War, socialization, and interpersonal violence: a cross-cultural study
Ember, Carol R.War and socialization of children: comparing two evolutionary models
Ember, Carol R.Resource Unpredictability, mistrust, and war: a cross-cultural study
Korotayev, Andrey V.Trade and warfare in cross-cultural perspective
Krauss, Herbert H.Social contexts of suicide
Divale, William TulioThe causes of matrilocal residence: a cross-ethnohistorical survey
Hoy, Andrew R.The relationship between male dominance and militarism: quantitative tests of several theories
Ember, Carol R.Explaining corporal punishment of children: a cross-cultural study
Schlegel, AlicePain, fear, and circumcision in boys' adolescent initiation ceremonies
Carter, Tara-LynMale aggressiveness as intrasexual contest competition in a cross-cultural sample

Associated Hypotheses (29)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ember, Carol R.The presence of indigenous money will be positively correlated with corporal punishment of children (615).
Ember, Carol R.Widespread political participation will be negatively correlated with corporal punishment of children (615).
Ember, Carol R.Corporal punishment of children will be more likely where warfare frequency is "more than rare" (615).
Ember, Carol R.The presence of non-relative caretakers will be positively associated with corporal punishment of children (615).
Divale, William Tulio"No war or infrequent war should be correlated with stable peace and frequent war with unstable peace" (61)
Divale, William Tulio"No war or infrequent war should be correlated with patrilocality and frequent war with matrilocality" (61)
Divale, William Tulio"No war or infrequent war should be correlated with peacemaking mechanisms and frequent war with their absence" (62)
Ember, Carol R.In a multiple regression analysis comparing the strongest predictors of violence, warfare will be a significant predictor of homicide/assault (15).
Ember, MelvinSocial complexity will be positively associated with frequency of warfare (8).
Ember, MelvinWarfare frequency will be positively associated with resource problems (9).
Ember, MelvinPunitive/nonrewarding socialization practices will be positively associated with warfare frequency (12).
Ember, MelvinSexual frustration will be positively associated with warfare frequency (13).
Ember, MelvinSocialization for aggression in boys will be positively associated with warfare frequency (14).
Ember, MelvinInterpersonal aggression will be positively associated with warfare frequency (16).
Ember, Carol R.Warfare frequency will play a significant causal role in the etiology of interpersonal aggression (639).
Ember, Carol R.More father-infant sleeping distance will be positively associated with warfare frequency (107).
Ember, Carol R.In a multiple regression, father-infant sleeping distance will be associated with warfare frequency, marrying enemies, and polygyny (108).
Ember, Carol R.Need satisfaction in childhood will be a negative predictor of warfare frequency
Korotayev, Andrey V.Threat of natural disasters will be negatively related to warfare frequency in state societies
Krauss, Herbert H.Men's divorce freedom and defiant homicide predicted suicides attributable to interpersonal frustration while only men's divorce freedom predicted suicides with apparent extrapersonal precipitants (227-228, 222).
Divale, William Tulio"Frequent external warfare should be correlated with houses that have larger living floor areas than when external warfare is infrequent" (304)
Divale, William Tulio"Frequent external warfare should be correlated with a higher degree of male exogamy than when external warfare is infrequent" (304)
Hoy, Andrew R.Male participation in war will be positively associated with male glorification relative to females (42, 49).
Hoy, Andrew R.Male participation in war will be negatively associated with female participation in political spheres (42, 49-50).
Hoy, Andrew R.Male participation in war will be negatively associated with violence against women in the same society (42, 50).
Schlegel, AliceHigher frequency of warfare will be associated with harsh male initiation ceremonies
Carter, Tara-LynThere is a positive association between male aggression and societies with polygyny and a high variance in the number of wives.
Carter, Tara-LynThere is an association between male aggressiveness and biased sex ratios.
Carter, Tara-LynAggression is lower in societies where males show greater subsistence effort.

Associated OCMs

  1. ingroup antagonisms
  2. war
  3. instigation of war
  4. warfare
  5. war veterans