The Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) has been engaged in cross-cultural research since 1949 and encourages comparative studies of human cultures and societies throughout the world. The eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology databases facilitate these types of studies by indexing and coding vast stores of ethnographic knowledge across over 400 cultures. HRAF also sponsors the peer-reviewed journal Cross-Cultural Research.
Guides & Resources
Learn more about key issues and how to conduct cross-cultural research using the eHRAF databases with guides produced by HRAF.
Cross-cultural research overview
Key issues of cross-cultural research including sampling, coding, and how eHRAF can fit within your research design
Basic Guide to Cross-Cultural Research
Walk through the basic steps of a cross-cultural study using eHRAF World Cultures (online) or the eHRAF Collection of Ethnography (paper and fiche versions)
Products & Databases
HRAF's free, open access database and introductory course for cross-cultural research
Explaining Human Culture
This publicly accessible database contains information on over 1,000 cross-cultural studies spanning more than 100 years. It is accompanied by topical modules highlighting key anthropological themes and related cross-cultural findings.
Introducing Cross-Cultural Research
An ideal companion to both eHRAF and Explaining Human Culture, this visual online course offers colorful and engaging PDFs covering the fundamentals of cross-cultural research, from design to statistical analysis.
Cross-Cultural Research at HRAF
Learn more about current and past research projects here at HRAF as well as the launch of our Advanced Research Centers in the USA and Europe.
Overview of research at HRAF
Read about current projects, findings, grants, and past research by our team
HRAF Advanced Research Centers
New opportunities for comparative ethnography-based research and implementation