Check out what eHRAF Archaeology has on prehistoric cultures in Peru. Once you are logged on (contact HRAF at for a temporary log-in) click BROWSE TRADITIONS then By Country and type in “Peru” in the search box (see below). Then you will see a list of tradition names (e.g., Highland Andean Formative, Chavin, Coastal Andean Early Formative) that you can explore in a number of ways. For example, click the Tradition Summary for an encyclopedia-style overview of a culture name, or click the Collection Documents to view all documents compiled and analyzed, including books, journal articles, dissertations, and even documents in foreign languages. Because all documents are subject-indexed at the paragraph-level, the subjects (also called OCMs), can be used in an Advanced Search to find texts about the subject. See Topics Covered for a list of all subjects that can be used in an eHRAF Advanced Search to search thousands and thousands of pages of cultural information.

Abbreviated list of prehistoric culture names for Peru, found in Browse Traditions of the eHRAF Archaeology database
Related Link: 3,800-Year-Old Statuettes Unearthed in Northern Peru in Archaeology Magazine