Found 4029 Hypotheses across 403 Pages (0.009 seconds)
  1. Material complexity will be positively associated with later-stage number terms (23).Overmann, Karenleigh A. - Material scaffolds in numbers and time, 2013 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the relationship between the complexity of a society's material culture and its development of cognitive technologies for numeration and timekeeping. The researcher claims that the resulting positive correlation between these variables as support for a theory of material culture as 'scaffolding' for number concepts, providing tangible, shareable, manipulable forms for abstract numerical constructions.

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  2. Female genital modification will be negatively associated with the current populations compared to previous generations.Ross, Cody T. - Frequency-Dependent Social Transmission and the Interethnic Transfer of Fema..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    Researchers examine ethnographic literature from Africa and Colombia and conduct interviews in 12 Colombian cities with the aim of exploring the connection between female genital modification (FGMo) in Colombia and Africa. They theorize that the trans-atlantic slave trade was the start of sociocultural transmission of FGMo pratices to Colombia, and that this will be evident based on the presence of FGMo practices and the composition and connectivity of populations.

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  3. Reputational punishments will be positively correlated with higher sociopolitical complexity, including more external trade, food storage, and more dependence on animal husbandry.Garfield, Zachary H. - Norm violations and punishments across human societies, 2023 - 2 Variables

    This study uses Bayesian phylogenetic regression modelling across 131 largely non-industrial societies to test how variation of punishment is impacted by social, economic, and political organization. The authors focus on the presence of norm violations and types of punishments, and explores their relationships. The norm violations include adultery, rape, religious violations, food violations, and war cowardice. While the types of punishment are reputational, material, physical, or education. This study suggests a hypothesis for each type of punishment in relation to socioecological variables.

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  4. Subjective time horizon is negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (72).Sipes, Richard G. - Population growth, society, and culture: an inventory of cross-culturally te..., 1980 - 2 Variables

    This book examines population growth rate and its correlates by testing 274 hypotheses (derived from multiple theories) with an 18-society sample. Forty-one of these hypotheses were significant at the .05 level, leading the author to accept these relationships as reflective of the real world. The 274 hypotheses are grouped into 51 broader hypotheses, and marked by (*) where relationships are significant as designated by the author or by significance p < 0.05.

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  5. Increase in size of areas controlled by any single political unit has been accelerating with respect to time (300)Hart, Hornell - Was there a prehistoric trend from smaller to larger political units?, 1944 - 3 Variables

    This study examines technological and political development in prehistoric societies. Results suggest a significant correlation between technological and political development in non-industrial societies. Results also suggest that, in prehistoric epochs, the area controlled by a group of people has increased at an accelerating rate of speed over time.

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  6. Complex hunter gatherer groups generally exhibit some solstice observation or calendars.Hayden, Brian - Astronomy in the Upper Palaeolithic, 2011 - 1 Variables

    Researchers examine the ethnographic record, sampling 82 hunter gatherer societies from the HRAF World Cultures database, for cross-cultural patterns of archaeological evidence of knowledge of astronomy and constellations. Surveying the data, researchers identified many patterns in the upper paleolithic, noting the importance of further examination of this topic.

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  7. Physical punishments will be correlated to all socioecological variables.Garfield, Zachary H. - Norm violations and punishments across human societies, 2023 - 2 Variables

    This study uses Bayesian phylogenetic regression modelling across 131 largely non-industrial societies to test how variation of punishment is impacted by social, economic, and political organization. The authors focus on the presence of norm violations and types of punishments, and explores their relationships. The norm violations include adultery, rape, religious violations, food violations, and war cowardice. While the types of punishment are reputational, material, physical, or education. This study suggests a hypothesis for each type of punishment in relation to socioecological variables.

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  8. "The threat or presence of famine and starvation [will] be associated with the storage and preservation of food" (343).Divale, William Tulio - Climatic instability, food storage, and the development of numerical countin..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    A model for the development of counting systems is tested. The hypothesis presented predicts that unpredictable climate conditions result in inconsistent food supply which leads to the need for food storage and, thus, a system to account for the stored food. Results strongly support this hypothesis.

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  9. The presence of horses, food storage, and formal resource ownership will each be negatively associated with a lack of class stratificationHooper, Paul L. - Gains to cooperation drive the evolution of egalitarianism, 2021 - 4 Variables

    This article is mainly concerned with understanding the motivators toward egalitarianism through modeling via a game that combined elements from both hawk-dove and prisoners dilemma. While most of the article is focused on this model, the researchers also tested their hypotheses cross-culturally on a sample of forager societies. In both cases, they found evidence that the benefits of cooperation drove egalitarianism.

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  10. Material punishments will be positively correlated to economic socioecological variables, including more external trade, food storage, and higher dependence on animal husbandry.Garfield, Zachary H. - Norm violations and punishments across human societies, 2023 - 2 Variables

    This study uses Bayesian phylogenetic regression modelling across 131 largely non-industrial societies to test how variation of punishment is impacted by social, economic, and political organization. The authors focus on the presence of norm violations and types of punishments, and explores their relationships. The norm violations include adultery, rape, religious violations, food violations, and war cowardice. While the types of punishment are reputational, material, physical, or education. This study suggests a hypothesis for each type of punishment in relation to socioecological variables.

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