Marlowe, Frank W. | 2000 | Social stratification (degree of variation in male status) is positively associated with degree of polygyny among forager and horticulturalists (p. 52). | Supported | 2 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Controlling on four types of complexity, marriage payment is positively associated with government levels (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Controlling on four types of complexity, external warfare is positively associated with government levels (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Controllingon four types of complexity, non-maternal care is positively associated with government levels (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Controlling on four types of complexity, schooling is positively associated with government levels (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Adolescent obedience is positively associated with government levels (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Controlling on four types of complexity, prohibition of premarital sex is positively associated with government levels (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Controlling on four types of complexity, multiple residences are positively associated with government levels (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Controlling on four types of complexity, large buildings are positively associated with government levles (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Controlling on four types of complexity, child indulgence is negatively associated with government levels (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2003 | Controlling on four types of complexity, corporal punishment is positively associated with government levels (126) | UNKNOWN | 6 | |
Bacon, Margaret K. | 1963 | ". . . with an increased Level of Political Integration, Social Stratification, and Elaboration of Social Control there is an increase in the frequency of Theft" (297). | Supported | 4 | |
Allen, Martin G. | 1972 | "Political integration, social stratification, size of community and class stratification are correlated with crime" (266) | Supported | 5 | |
Allen, Martin G. | 1972 | "Directness of aggression is not associated with other variables [of social structure] of size and complexity--such as degree of social stratification, class stratification, caste stratification, jurisdiction" (266) | Supported | 5 | |
Starkweather, Katherine E. | 2012 | Cultures with non-classical polyandry tend to be small scale and egalitarian societies that produce food through hunting and gathering and horticulture (p. 161). | Supported | 4 | |
Chaney, Richard P. | 1966 | Spiro stated that food production and social stratification jointly comprise a necessary condition for maximum government. Although there is a significant relationship between the three variables (economics, government and stratification), no statement about necessary conditions can be made (1465, 1466) | Supported | 3 | |
Chaney, Richard P. | 1966 | "Food production and social stratification do not, jointly, constitute a sufficient condition for the existence of monogamy" (1463) | Supported | 3 | |
Chaney, Richard P. | 1966 | "There is a significant relationship between [the variables food production and social stratification and between food gathering and classlessness] but no statement about necessary conditions can be made" (1465) | Supported | 2 | |
Bacon, Margaret K. | 1965 | "A high frequency of ceremonial drinking tends to occur in societies with a higher level of political integration and social stratification, a more densely populated settlement pattern and slavery" (40) | Supported | 5 | |
Herzog, John D. | 1962 | ". . . socially stratified societies tend to have instruction, while classless societies do not" (313) | Supported | 2 | |
Moore, B., Jr. | 1942 | "The presence or absence of social stratification in any society is related to the number and importance of control hierarchies in the society. . . . Stratified societies should contain more control hierarchies than the unstratified ones" (230, 240) | Supported | 2 | |
Osmond, Marie W. | 1965 | "The following variables of societal organization significantly distinguish monogamous from polygynous societies: (1) type of subsistence economy; (2) system of social stratification; (3) level of political integration; (4) pattern of settlement . . ." (10) | Supported | 5 | |
Spiro, Melford E. | 1965 | "Although stratification as well as classlessness occur with minimum government, maximum government rarely occurs in the absence of social stratification" (1114) | Supported | 2 | |
Spiro, Melford E. | 1965 | "Although food production as well as food gathering occurs in classless societies, social stratification rarely occurs without food production" (1114) | Supported | 2 | |
Ember, Carol R. | 1997 | More political participation will be positively associated with equality (116). | Partially supported | 2 | |
Baks, C. | 1966 | "Social stratification amongst the free members of the community is a prerequisite for the occurrence of slavery" (100) | Supported | 2 | |
Korotayev, Andrey V. | 2003 | Fixity of settlement and social stratification will be negatively associated with female premarital sexual freedom among foragers (38). | Supported | 3 | |
Peregrine, Peter N. | 2003 | Rushton predicts that there will be a relationship between race and several aspects of behavior (357). | Not Supported | 8 | |
Peregrine, Peter N. | 2007 | Social stratification, technological specialization, and urbanization will be postively associated with political integration (81). | Supported | 4 | |
Bourguignon, Erika | 1977 | Social stratification, jurisdictional hierarchy, economic production, and use of agriculture will be associated with trance type (199-200, 205). | Supported | 5 | |
Dressler, William W. | 1975 | Social stratification will be associated with more complex style (428). | Supported | 2 | |
Dressler, William W. | 1975 | Social stratification will be associated with crowded space (428). | Supported | 2 | |
Dressler, William W. | 1975 | Social stratification will be associated with more enclosed figures (428). | Supported | 2 | |
Schlegel, Alice | 1988 | Distribution of marriage transactions will be associated with social stratification such that dowry is more common in stratified societies (296-7). | Supported | 2 | |
Chick, Garry | 1998 | Games of strategy will be related to social complexity (195). | Supported | 3 | |
Gaulin, Steven J.C. | 1990 | Dowry will be associated with non-polygynous marriage systems and significant stratification (999). | Supported | 3 | |
Glascock, Anthony P. | 1987 | Treatment of the elderly will be related to climate, subsistence strategy, social stratification, and belief in active high gods (408). | Supported | 5 | |
Owen, Craig | 2007 | The Lenski and Service taxonomies will differ in their fit to social stratification data (ii). | Supported | 1 | |
Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen | 1990 | Extension of inbreeding rules will be associated with social stratification (116-117, 120). | Supported | 2 | |
Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen | 1990 | Harshness of punishment for inbreeding will be associated with social stratification (116-117, 121). | Supported | 2 | |
Maxwell, Robert J. | 1989 | Gerontocide will be associated with social stratification (517). | Supported | 2 | |
Lomax, Alan | 1968 | "There is a strong relationship between increase of layering [social stratification] and elaboration in song style" (153). | Supported | 2 | |
Lomax, Alan | 1968 | "Mean number of instrument types per style sample appears as a correlate of social stratification" (155). | Supported | 2 | |
Barry III, Herbert | 2005 | Controlling on hereditary leadership, social stratification is negatively associated with small population (9) | UNKNOWN | 3 | |
Bourguignon, Erika | 1973 | Stratification among freemen will vary according to world region (47). | Support claimed | 2 | |
Schlegel, Alice | 1972 | "There is a significant relationship between no or low stratification and Husband Dominant or Neither Dominant domestic authority. . . . Medium or high stratification [is] present in . . . Brother Dominant societies . . ." (81) | Supported | 2 | |
Rohner, Ronald P. | 1975 | ". . . levels of cultural development . . . are also related to parental rejection-acceptance. The more complex a social system is, the more likely children are to be rejected" (117) | Supported | 4 | |
Schlegel, Alice | 1991 | Age range of boys' peer groups will be positively correlated with social stratification (79). | Supported | 2 | |
Schlegel, Alice | 1991 | Inculcation of obedience will be associated with certain societal characteristics (160). | Partially supported | 4 | |
Schlegel, Alice | 1991 | Inculcation of achievement will be associated with certain societal characteristics (161). | Partially supported | 4 | |
Schlegel, Alice | 1991 | Inculcation for sexual restraint will be predicted by certain societal variables (164). | Partially supported | 3 | |
Roberts, John M. | 1967 | "Oaths and autonomic ordeals are associated with high stratification" (178) | Supported | 2 | |
Driver, Harold E. | 1967 | "[In factor analysis of Murdock's WES, for the factor called social stratification variables loading heavily are] absence of social stratification, absence of slavery and autonomous communities under 1,500 persons" (335) | Supported | 4 | |
Nimkoff, M. F. | 1960 | "The greater the degree of social stratification, the greater is the tendency for the extended rather than the independent family system ot become established" (220) | Supported | 2 | |
Johnson, G. David | 1982 | Economic complexity, food surplus, social stratification, and political organization will be positively associated with levels of sexual dominance (679) | Partially supported | 5 | |
Johnson, G. David | 1982 | Controlling on economic and political factors, the effect of marital residence and descent on sexual dominance will approach zero (679) | Not Supported | 6 | |
Johnson, G. David | 1982 | Controlling on marital residence and descent, the effect of economic and political factors to sexual dominance will approach zero (680) | Partially supported | 6 | |
Peregrine, Peter N. | 2007 | Social stratification in ethnographically-described cultures is positively associated with complexity of ceramic design and ceramic style (225) | Partially supported | 3 | |
Peregrine, Peter N. | 2007 | Social stratification in archaeologically-described societies is positively associated with ceramic design complexity and ceramic style complexity | UNKNOWN | 3 | |
Barthes, Julien | 2015 | Higher levels of social stratification will increase the probability of observing male homosexual preference in the eHRAF sample even when controlling for linguistic-cultural relationships (i.e. accounting for Galton's problem using linguistic data). | Supported | 2 | |
Barthes, Julien | 2015 | Higher levels of social stratification will increase the probability of observing male homosexual preference in the Ethnographic Atlas database even when controlling for linguistic-cultural relationships (i.e. accounting for Galton's problem using linguistic data). | Supported | 2 | |
Barthes, Julien | 2015 | Higher levels of social stratification will increase the probability of observing male homosexual preference in the Ethnographic Atlas sample even when accounting for geographic-cultural phylogeny (i.e. controlling for Galton's problem using geographic data). | Supported | 2 | |
Barthes, Julien | 2015 | Level of social stratification will be associated with male homosexual preference (MHP) in data from the Ethnographic Atlas even when geographic zone is controlled for. | Supported | 3 | |
Watts, Joseph | 2016 | Human sacrifice can co-evolve with social stratification (the probability of change in social stratification and the presence/absence of human sacrifice are interdependent) [First Analysis] (229). | Supported | 2 | |
Watts, Joseph | 2016 | When human sacrifice is present, moderate and highly stratified cultures are less likely to decrease in degree of stratification (229). | Supported | 2 | |
Watts, Joseph | 2016 | When human sacrifice is present, egalitarian cultures are more likely to gain social stratification (229). | Not Supported | 2 | |
Watts, Joseph | 2016 | Human sacrifice can co-evolve with social stratification (the probability of change in social stratification and the presence/absence of human sacrifice are interdependent) [Second Analysis] (229). | Supported | 2 | |
Watts, Joseph | 2016 | When human sacrifice is present, egalitarian and moderately stratified societies are more likely to become highly stratified. | Supported | 2 | |
Watts, Joseph | 2016 | When human sacrifice is present, highly stratified societies are less likely to become less stratified (229). | Not Supported | 2 | |
Hewlett, Barry S. | 2014 | "Milk kinship" will be more prevalent among stratified cultures, and allomaternal nursing is imposed on lower-class women in these cultures (8). | Mixed | 2 | |
Apostolou, Menelaos | 2016 | Homosexuality will be more prevalent in agropastoral than in hunting-gathering societies when controlling for social stratification. (7) | Supported when IV is dichotomized | 4 | |
Frederic L. Pryor | 2005 | Social differentiation will be positively associated with other types of inequality among different types of foraging economies. (52) | Partially supported | 9 | |
Frederic L. Pryor | 2005 | Dependence on agriculture for subsistence will be positively associated with various forms of socioeconomic competition. (75) | Not Supported | 6 | |
Gaulin, Steven JC | 1992 | Societies with EIM or Ecologically Imposed Monogamy (monogamy combined with egalitarian resource structure) will have lower sexual stature dimorphism than those practicing polygyny or Socially-Imposed Monogamy (SIM, monogamy in highly stratified societies). (471) | Partially supported | 3 | |
Dow, Gregory K. | 2016 | Rate of exogamy will be positively associated with disparities in productivity between the two residence sites. (1807) | Supported | 12 | |
Dow, Gregory K. | 2016 | Rate of exogamy will be negatively associated with community size. (1807) | Supported | 10 | |
Ross, Cody T. | 2016 | Social stratification will be associated with the origins and transmission of female genital modification. (174) | Partially supported | 2 | |
Winkelman, Michael James | 1986 | Possession trance beliefs in the context of religious practitioner training will be associated with higher social complexity | Supported | 5 | |
Terry, Roger L. | 1971 | Monotheism and dependence nurturance during childhood will be inversely related on a societal level. "Societies in which independence is stressed during childhood were hypothesized to evidence monotheistic beliefs, while societies in which dependence is nurtured were expected not to evidence monotheism (p.176)." | Supported | 8 | |
Terry, Roger L. | 1971 | Monotheism and distance between married sons and their parents will be directly related on a societal level. "Societies that prescribe that married sons live close to their parents were hypothesized not to evidence monotheism, whereas societies that prescribe that married sons live far from their parents were hypothesized to be monothestic (p.176)." | Not Supported | 6 | |
Sheehan, Oliver | 2018 | Social stratification and political complexity (representing hierarchy) will be consistent with a model that has landesque capital intensive agriculture as the dependent variable. | Partially Supported | 3 | |
Sheehan, Oliver | 2018 | Landesque capital intensive agriculture (representing general intensive agriculture) will be consistent with a model that has social stratification and political complexity (representing hierarchy) as the dependent variable. | Not Supported | 3 | |
Ringen, Erik J. | 2019 | Societies with minimal or no social stratification will have more daily food sharing norms than those with greater stratification. | Supported | 2 | |
Gray, Russell D. | 2017 | Social Stratification will be positively associated with the evolution of political complexity. | Supported | 2 | |
Minocher, Riana | 2019 | Social stratification will predict cultural rules constraining polygyny. | Not Supported | 2 | |
Barthes, Julien | 2013 | Stratified societies will be positively associated with females marrying up. | Supported | 5 | |
Textor, Robert B. | 1967 | Hunter-gatherers tend not to have social stratification (51, 102). | Supported | 2 | |
Kradin, Nikolay N. | 2013 | Political integration will be correlated with social stratification. | Supported | 2 | |
Kradin, Nikolay N. | 2013 | Writing will be correlated with social stratification. | Supported | 2 | |
Wilson, Kurt M. | 2020 | Circumscription and environmental heterogeneity will be positively correlated with the presence of inequality. | Supported | 4 | |
Wilson, Kurt M. | 2020 | Environmental heterogeneity will be correlated with the presence of inequality. | Supported | 2 | |
Wilson, Kurt M. | 2020 | Environmental circumscription will be correlated with the presence of inequality. | Supported | 2 | |
Wilson, Kurt M. | 2020 | Social circumscription will be correlated with the presence of inequality. | Not supported | 2 | |
Wilson, Kurt M. | 2020 | Warfare will be correlated with the presence of inequality. | Not supported | 2 | |
Wilson, Kurt M. | 2020 | Subsistence mode will be correlated with the presence of inequality. | Supported | 2 | |
Wilson, Kurt M. | 2020 | Geographic location will be correlated with the presence of inequality. | Not supported | 2 | |
Wilson, Kurt M. | 2020 | Phylogenetic relatedness will be correlated with the presence of inequality. | Supported | 2 | |
Ember, Carol R. | 2023 | Egalitarian societies will have higher levels of synchrony of dress. | Partially supported | 5 | |
Leisterer-Peoples, Sarah M. | 2021 | Cultural groups that have less social stratification are more likely to play cooperative games compared to other groups. | Not Supported | 2 | |