Found 3375 Variables across 338 Pages (0.03 seconds)
  1. Drunken BrawlingAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  10 hypotheses  •   3 Documents.

    OCM Terms:brawls, riots, and banditry, alcoholism and drug addiction

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  2. Organization Of Kinship SystemsAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:rule of descent

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  3. Drunken Brawling/extreme Male InsobrietyAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  3 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:alcoholism and drug addiction

    Related Variables
  4. Residence PatternsAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  25 hypotheses  •   12 Documents.

    OCM Terms:residence

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  5. Simple Political SystemsAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:community structure, territorial hierarchy

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  6. Division Of LaborAssociated with 3 OCMs  •  8 hypotheses  •   7 Documents.

    OCM Terms:division of labor by gender, occupational specialization, gender status

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  7. Father-son DyadAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:family relationships

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  8. Bride Price (presence/absence)Associated with 1 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:mode of marriage

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  9. DrunkennessAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  17 hypotheses  •   2 Documents.

    OCM Terms:alcoholic beverages, alcoholism and drug addiction

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  10. Social ComlexityAssociated with 4 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:food quest, annual cycle, diet, classes

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