Check out what eHRAF Archaeology has on prehistoric cultures in Peru. Once you are logged on (contact HRAF at for a temporary log-in) click BROWSE TRADITIONS then By Country and type in “Peru” in the search box (see below). Then you will see a list of tradition names (e.g., Highland Andean Formative, Chavin, Coastal Andean Early Formative) that you can explore in a number of ways. For example, click the Tradition Summary for an encyclopedia-style overview of a culture name, or click the Collection Documents to view all documents compiled and analyzed, including books, journal articles, dissertations, and even documents in foreign languages. Because all documents are subject-indexed at the paragraph-level, the subjects (also called OCMs), can be used in an Advanced Search to find texts about the subject. See Topics Covered for a list of all subjects that can be used in an eHRAF Advanced Search to search thousands and thousands of pages of cultural information.
Related Link: 3,800-Year-Old Statuettes Unearthed in Northern Peru in Archaeology Magazine