Are there any limits on viewing content in eHRAF?

Yes. In accordance with eHRAF terms and conditions, any authorized user may view all relevant paragraph results of their searches as displayed on the search results page(s). However, full context page views are more limited in scope.

Consistent with fair use provisions, it is usually not possible to view every page of an entire document in eHRAF if the work is protected under copyright. Users can view the entirety of documents that are in the public domain (such as works published prior to 1928 or US government publications) or documents originally published by HRAF. Should a user wish to read the entirety of a single work or download entire documents, they are advised to contact their institution’s library for their holdings and/or use inter-library loan.

Note that eHRAF is not an eBook host and does not offer PDF downloads of documents.

See also:

How can I download or save text from eHRAF?

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