HRAF Global Scholar: Monir Birouk
Title: Faculty Member
University Affiliation: Ibn Zohr University
Research Topic: Amazigh tradition in Morocco
Monir Birouk is a member of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in the Department of English Studies at Ibn Zohr University, a public university in Agadir, Morocco. He holds a master’s degree in Comparative Literature and is currently a PhD candidate in the doctoral programme, “Language, Culture and Society” at the University of Mohammed V in Rabat.
Monir is interested in the dialectic between ethics, religion, and modernity, and he has participated in academic conferences in Morocco and abroad. His specialty is Islamic philosophy, and his geographic and cultural area of interest is the Amazigh tradition in Morocco. Information about this area of study can be found in the Berbers of Morocco (MX03) culture collection in eHRAF World Cultures.
In addition, Monir teaches a basic introductory course about world cultures to undergraduate students at Ibn Zohr University. The main reasons he applied for the HRAF Global Scholars program are to learn more about the Berbers of Morocco and to prepare for teaching with the eHRAF databases.
Monir has published articles in international journals based in the United States and Canada. His previous publications include:
- Taha Abderrahmane: Applying Heidegger as a Heuristic for Conceptual Authenticity
- Taha Abderrahman’s Moral and Spiritual Foundations of Dialogue
- Speaking Through Death in Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Jean Rhys’ s Wide Sargasso Sea
HRAF is honored to feature Monir Birouk as one of our HRAF Global Scholars for 2021. We wish him continued success with his research.
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Hart, David M. 2011. “Culture Summary: Berbers of Morocco.” New Haven, Conn.: Human Relations Area Files.