The PSF is a subset of eHRAF World Cultures and a special kind of random sample called a stratified random sample. For the PSF sample the world was divided into 60 culture areas (strata) and one case from each area was randomly chosen from a list of societies that met certain data quality control criteria (such as whether one of the ethnographers stayed for more than a year and claimed to be fluent in the native language).
All 60 of the PSF cases are included in the paper, microfiche, and online versions of the HRAF Collection of Ethnography. For the rules used in selecting the sample cases, see Naroll, Raoul. 1967. The proposed HRAF Probability Sample. Behavior Science Notes (now Cross-Cultural Research) 2: 70-80.
The 60 culture sample too large for your purposes? Randomly select a smaller number of societies (at least 20 are recommended).
In eHRAF World Cultures a search query can be refined by sample and subsistence type. This is done after a search in the culture results page.
This table shows all the cultures from the Probability Sample File covered in the eHRAF World Cultures database:
1 | Africa | Southern Africa | Lozi | FQ09 | other subsistence combinations |
2 | Oceania | Polynesia | Tikopia | OT11 | horticulturalists |
3 | Africa | Northern Africa | Shluh | MW11 | intensive agriculturalists |
4 | Middle America and the Caribbean | Maya Area | Tzeltal | NV09 | horticulturalists |
5 | Africa | Central Africa | Mbuti | FO04 | hunter-gatherers |
6 | Asia | South Asia | Andamans | AZ02 | hunter-gatherers |
7 | South America | Central Andes | Aymara | SF05 | horticulturalists |
8 | Europe | British Isles | Highland Scots | ES10 | other subsistence combinations |
9 | South America | Amazon and Orinoco | Yanoama | SQ18 | horticulturalists |
10 | Asia | Southeast Asia | Iban | OC06 | horticulturalists |
11 | Oceania | Melanesia | Trobriands | OL06 | horticulturalists |
12 | Asia | East Asia | Taiwan Hokkien | AD05 | intensive agriculturalists |
13 | Oceania | Australia | Aranda | OI08 | hunter-gatherers |
14 | Asia | North Asia | Chukchee | RY02 | pastoralists |
15 | South America | Southern South America | Ona | SH04 | hunter-gatherers |
16 | Middle East | Middle East | Kurds | MA11 | pastoralists |
17 | Asia | South Asia | Khasi | AR07 | other subsistence combinations |
18 | Africa | Eastern Africa | Maasai | FL12 | pastoralists |
19 | South America | Eastern South America | Bororo | SP08 | hunter-gatherers |
20 | North America | Eastern Woodlands | Iroquois | NM09 | horticulturalists |
21 | Europe | Scandinavia | Saami | EP04 | pastoralists |
22 | North America | Arctic and Subarctic | Copper Inuit | ND08 | hunter-gatherers |
23 | Oceania | Polynesia | Lau Fijians | OQ06 | other subsistence combinations |
24 | Asia | Southeast Asia | Eastern Toraja | OG11 | horticulturalists |
25 | Africa | Southern Africa | Bemba | FQ05 | horticulturalists |
26 | North America | Northwest Coast and California | Tlingit | NA12 | hunter-gatherers |
27 | Asia | South Asia | Sinhalese | AX04 | intensive agriculturalists |
28 | South America | Northwestern South America | Kogi | SC07 | horticulturalists |
29 | Africa | Western Africa | Hausa | MS12 | other subsistence combinations |
30 | Middle America and the Caribbean | Northern Mexico | Tarahumara | NU33 | agro-pastoralists |
31 | Africa | Eastern Africa | Somali | MO04 | pastoralists |
32 | South America | Southern South America | Mataco | SI07 | primarily hunter-gatherers |
33 | Europe | Southeastern Europe | Serbs | EF06 | intensive agriculturalists |
34 | Asia | North Asia | Yakut | RV02 | other subsistence combinations |
35 | North America | Plains and Plateau | Pawnee | NQ18 | primarily hunter-gatherers |
36 | Africa | Western Africa | Kanuri | MS14 | intensive agriculturalists |
37 | Africa | Eastern Africa | Amhara | MP05 | intensive agriculturalists |
38 | Africa | Western Africa | Tiv | FF57 | horticulturalists |
39 | Asia | South Asia | Santal | AW42 | intensive agriculturalists |
40 | Africa | Eastern Africa | Ganda | FK07 | intensive agriculturalists |
41 | Asia | East Asia | Korea | AA01 | intensive agriculturalists |
42 | North America | Plains and Plateau | Klamath | NR10 | hunter-gatherers |
43 | Oceania | Melanesia | Kapauku | OJ29 | intensive agriculturalists |
44 | South America | Eastern South America | Guaraní | SM04 | other subsistence combinations |
45 | South America | Amazon and Orinoco | Tukano | SQ19 | other subsistence combinations |
46 | Africa | Central Africa | Azande | FO07 | horticulturalists |
47 | North America | Plains and Plateau | Blackfoot | NF06 | hunter-gatherers |
48 | Asia | South Asia | Garo | AR05 | horticulturalists |
49 | South America | Eastern South America | Bahia Brazilians | SO11 | intensive agriculturalists |
50 | Middle America and the Caribbean | Central America | Kuna | SB05 | horticulturalists |
51 | Africa | Western Africa | Wolof | MS30 | horticulturalists |
52 | Africa | Northern Africa | Libyan Bedouin | MT09 | pastoralists |
53 | Asia | Southeast Asia | Ifugao | OA19 | intensive agriculturalists |
54 | Oceania | Micronesia | Chuuk | OR19 | other subsistence combinations |
55 | South America | Amazon and Orinoco | Saramaka | SR15 | other subsistence combinations |
56 | Africa | Western Africa | Akan | FE12 | horticulturalists |
57 | North America | Arctic and Subarctic | Ojibwa | NG06 | hunter-gatherers |
58 | Africa | Western Africa | Dogon | FA16 | intensive agriculturalists |
59 | Asia | Southeast Asia | Central Thai | AO07 | intensive agriculturalists |
60 | North America | Southwest and Basin | Hopi | NT09 | intensive agriculturalists |
Excel format: A comprehensive list of the 60 culture names from the Probability Sample File (PSF) currently included in the eHRAF World Cultures database. The excel format also includes sequence and installment numbers, OWC codes, region coverage (including subregions), date coverage (beginning and ending dates for cultural materials), subsistence and the SRS sample type. Some fields with no information available are left blank. The sequence numbers for each culture name make the excel table useful for generating a random sample from eHRAF. Visit the Cross-Cultural Research section to learn more about random sampling.
Subsistence Types in eHRAF: Classification of subsistence types in eHRAF and how to refine a search by subsistence type in eHRAF. This methodology also applies to refining a search by sample type.