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View exercise overview
Class size: Any
Source: Produced by HRAF
Learning Objectives
Does the exercise compare 2 or more cultures? Yes
Subject selection: Open choice by student
Subjects/OCMS, if applicable:
Region selection: open (student choice)
Region, if applicable: Various
Culture selection: Student chooses from entire collection
Cultures/OWCs, if applicable:
Classroom Guide
Instructions for navigating eHRAF included? Yes
Assignments for students to complete in groups? No
Assignments for students to complete on their own? Yes
Instructions for Microfiche version? No
Christiane Cunnar, Human Relations Area Files
This exercise is designed for students to gain a better general understanding of archaeological traditions in terms of their locations, settlement systems, subsistence, relative time periods and other cultural markers.
Instructions for the “Traditions Summary” Exercise
Step 1. Select three (or more) archaeological traditions from the list found in eHRAF Archaeology ( under Browse Traditions.
Step 2. In eHRAF Archaeology ( click on Browse Cultures then on “Regions” where you will find the list of traditions (see above) classified into major geographic regions and countries. Please note that you will find an archaeological tradition name listed repeatedly under various country names. This demonstrates that often a tradition is not limited to one country but often crosses country and regional boundaries.
Step 3. Click on the “tradition summary” associated with a prehistoric tradition name. The tradition summary contains general information about the archaeological tradition as outlined in the headings and sub-headings below:
List of headings and subheadings in Tradition Summaries in eHRAF Archaeology
Step 4. Select five or more of the headings listed above and use these to compare and contrast the three (or more) archaeological traditions selected.