Other Membership Category Dues

(Sponsoring Membership, Regular Associate Membership, Consortia Membership, and Trial information can be found here.)

Independent Researcher Membership

This category of membership is for an independent scholar unaffiliated with an academic institution who wants to use eHRAF World Cultures and/or eHRAF Archaeology for research.* Applicants must provide HRAF with a statement of how the eHRAF database(s) will be used, along with a C.V. or résumé which includes academic credentials. Applications will be reviewed by the HRAF Board. Membership agreements must be signed by the database end user.

Length eHRAF World Cultures Dues eHRAF Archaeology Dues
6-months $273 $164
12-months $545 $327

*This membership category is for an individual and not available for teaching or collaboration with others.

Small Research Institute Membership

Small autonomous research institutes are eligible for annual memberships.

eHRAF World Cultures eHRAF Archaeology
$1,742 $869

Public Library and Museum Membership

Public libraries and museums are eligible for annual memberships, with a sliding scale of dues based on the population served.

Population Served eHRAF World Cultures eHRAF Archaeology
<200,000 $1,742 $869
200,001-500,000 $2,289 $1,087
>500,000 $2,835 $1,415

Native American Institutional Membership

As an organization dedicated to disseminating cultural information and research on human diversity, we greatly value diversity in our membership base. We offer special member dues for Native American and First Nations institutions in the United States and Canada. Not in the USA or Canada? See if you qualify for our special country membership. Contact us with your country name here.

eHRAF World Cultures
Native American Institutions $759
eHRAF Archaeology
Native American Institutions $492

Special Country Membership

As an organization dedicated to disseminating cultural information and research on human diversity, we greatly value diversity in our membership base. We offer reduced member dues for institutions in countries listed by the World Bank as Low-Income, Lower-Middle-Income, or Upper-Middle-Income, provided that the institution is not an international organization and the total library budget for material expenditures at the institution is less than US $500,000 annually.

Special Country Annual Dues
(Income categories defined by the World Bank; currency in US dollars)
eHRAF World Cultures
Low-Income Country or Lower-Middle-Income Country $327
Upper-Middle-Income Country $765
Special Country Annual Dues
(Income categories defined by the World Bank; currency in US dollars)
eHRAF Archaeology
Low-Income Country or Lower-Middle-Income Country $273
Upper-Middle-Income Country $492

Course Membership

Course Membership is available for access to a subset of the eHRAF World Cultures collection that belong to the Probability Sample Files (PSF). The PSF consists of 60 largely nonindustrial societies that meet certain data quality controls, one randomly chosen from each culture area. Some additional culture collections will be made available in this subset to facilitate teaching in conjunction with our eHRAF Workbooks.

This category of membership is available for instructors (not currently affiliated with a member institution) who wish to utilize eHRAF World Cultures for teaching a course. Course Membership is open to instructors affiliated with new or reactivating member institutions with at least a year’s gap between institutional membership and the request for course membership.

Course Membership Dues
eHRAF World Cultures
(subset of collections)
(per academic term)

High School Membership

eHRAF World Cultures eHRAF Archaeology
$1,087 $525

3-Year and 5-Year Membership

HRAF offers 3-year membership and 5-year membership options for new members with discounted dues. Learn more here.

Database 3 YEARS 5 YEARS
eHRAF World Cultures $10,927 $16,391
eHRAF Archaeology $3,060 $4,917

Long Term Membership

HRAF offers long term memberships at a discount over current regular associate member dues or current consortium dues. The following discounts are offered:

  • A 10-year membership for 9 years of prepaid dues
  • A 20-year membership for 18 years of prepaid dues

Updated October 1, 2024