Tag Archives: Human Relations Area Files

Using eHRAF to explore supernatural explanations for natural and social events

Belief in the supernatural is a cultural universal. While there is considerable variation in supernatural belief systems across cultures, some form of belief in gods, spirits, and similar phenomena occurs in all cultures.  George Peter…

HRAF membership director interviewed for NPR segment on romantic kissing

The phenomenon of romantic kissing continues to fascinate people around the world. While people in western societies often take for granted the notion that romantic partners express their desire for one another through open-mouthed kissing,…

HRAF to host Anthropology Day 2024 celebration

The American Anthropological Association is officially celebrating Anthropology Day on February 15, 2024. Anthropology Day is a day for anthropologists to celebrate our discipline while sharing it with the world around us. On Friday, February…

HRAF and UConn students celebrate Archaeology Day 2022

On Friday, October 7, the Human Relations Area Files at Yale University hosted a celebration in honor of International Archaeology Day, the yearly event for archaeologists to celebrate the discipline and its contributions to society.…

NPR Article Features ‘Alloparenting’ Across Cultures

In an article for National Public Radio (NPR) titled Bringing up a baby can be a tough and lonely job. Here’s a solution: alloparents, Michaeleen Doucleff, PhD looks at the practice of alloparenting across cultures. Doucleff…

Announcing HRAF Global Scholars for 2024

HRAF is pleased to announce the recipients of the HRAF Global Scholars Program for 2024. This program provides scholars around the world with one year of complimentary access to our research databases, eHRAF World Cultures…

Marriage and Family – A New Topical Summary for Explaining Human Culture

A new topical summary on Marriage and Family is now available in Explaining Human Culture, our open access database that summarizes the results of over 1,000 cross-cultural studies. This EHC summary is co-authored by HRAF President Carol R.…

A Cross-Cultural Study of Uniformity in Dress

Why do people in some societies dress in uniform or standardized ways, whereas in other societies individuals display considerable variability in dress? Tentative answers to this question will appear as an article titled “Uniformity in…