In celebration of Anthropology Day 2020, the Human Relations Area Files at Yale University hosted the UConn Stamford Anthropology Society for a full day event in New Haven. This was the inaugural event for the new student club, which is based at the University of Connecticut in Stamford. The club’s advisor is Matthew Longcore, Manager of Outreach and Member Services at HRAF who also teaches Anthropology as an adjunct faculty member UConn. In attendance at the event were the four officers of the club and two other club members.
- Andre Salazar, President
- Victoria Biafore, Vice President
- Sunny Sinnorai, Secretary
- Karla Chum-Mendez, Treasurer
- Shania Chacon, Member
- Bryana Hill, Member

L-R: Andre Salazar, Abbe McCarter, Karla Chum-Mendez, Bryana Hill, Victoria Biafore, Sunny Sinnorai, Shania Chacon, Emily Pitek, Matthew Longcore, Carol Ember
In the morning, the students enjoyed presentations from HRAF President Carol Ember, Melvin Ember Intern Abbe McCarter, and Research Assistant Emily Pitek. Dr. Ember spoke to the students about HRAF’s history and cross-cultural research. Abbe presented on gender, art, and clothing. Emily covered adolescence, sharing behaviors, and her work with the Database of Religious History.
New Haven is legendary for its pizza and in keeping with this tradition, HRAF ordered a delicious lunch from local favorite Sally’s Apizza. Club president Andre Salazar thanked HRAF for the gracious hospitality and said that UConn students would definitely be interested in the HRAF Internship in Honor of Melvin Ember.
After lunch, the group went on a tour of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. The informative and entertaining tour was led by a volunteer docent, Richard Yanowitz, PhD. The tour focused on two exhibits, Mesopotamia and Egypt, which were of particular interest to the students as several are currently enrolled in Great Discoveries in Archaeology.
Here are some additional photos from Anthropology Day 2020.
For more photos, please check out the Instagram page for the UConn Stamford Anthropology Society, and our own Instagram page for HRAF at Yale University. Many thanks to the UConn Stamford Anthropology Society for joining us to learn more about anthropology and archaeology at HRAF!