Community Life in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan

This image shows an Advanced Search in eHRAF World Cultures for the topic “community life in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan.”

Screenshot of an eHRAF Advanced Search using Add Cultures and Subjects

Screenshot of an eHRAF Advanced Search using Add Cultures and Subjects

Advanced Search in eHRAF World Cultures

Step 1. Find culture(s) for the specific country
Click Add Cultures>By Country>e.g. Uzbekistan> select Karakalpak and other culture groups

Step 2. Find subject(s) on community life.
Click Add Subjects –use tabs to find “matching” subjects for your topic:
>A-Z Index (type the word “community” in index box)
>Major Subjects>”Political Organization and Behavior” > OCM 621 “Community Structure”
>OCM Code>600 range under “Community” >OCM 621 “Community Structure” (this tab is the quickest way to get a good sense of the OCM subjects that cover ALL aspects of cultural and social life)

Step 3. Boolean OR to expand search (see red circle in image above)

Try your own eHRAF Advanced Search in eHRAF World Cultures. Contact for a current login.

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