Tag Archives: CovidCampus

HRAF and the transition to remote education: Online anthropology amid #CovidCampus

This is a 3-part series. Go to Part 2: Teaching eHRAF: In-Class Activities for online learning Go to Part 3: Remote futures: tips for online teaching and learning in anthropology In the wake of the…

Remote futures: tips for online teaching and learning in anthropology

This is the third post in our COVID-19 response series. The first post presented an overview of eHRAF products as well as information about membership and extensions to our free trials. The second post featured…

Teaching eHRAF: In-Class Activities for online learning

This is the second in a series of posts from HRAF aimed at assisting instructors in transitioning to online teaching since the COVID-19 pandemic, a global event that has resulted in temporary university closures due…