Monthly Archives: April 2020

Ethnographic Insights Across Cultures: An online introduction to anthropology

In the third post in our series dedicated to online learning, we explored how the dynamics of classroom teaching everywhere are changing due to temporary campus closures. For instructors grappling with compiling work-from-home-friendly syllabi in…

Featured HRAF Global Scholar: Sandi James

HRAF Global Scholar: Sandi James Title: PhD Candidate, Public Health and Social Policy University Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia and Universiti Malaysia, Sabah Research Topic: Exploring Alcohol use in Sabah, Malaysia: Preliminary results from an ethnographic study…

Remote futures: tips for online teaching and learning in anthropology

This is the third post in our COVID-19 response series. The first post presented an overview of eHRAF products as well as information about membership and extensions to our free trials. The second post featured…

Society for Anthropological Sciences annual award named for Dr. Carol Ember, President of HRAF at Yale University

The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University is pleased to announce that the Society for Anthropological Sciences (SAS) has named their annual book prize after Dr. Carol R. Ember, President of HRAF. SAS is…