Where can I find a list of HRAF member institutions?
You can view our list of HRAF sponsoring, associate, and consortia members here.
You can view our list of HRAF sponsoring, associate, and consortia members here.
To advance a mission to promote understanding of cultural diversity and commonality in the past and present, HRAF relies largely on dues paid by member institutions (primarily universities and colleges). These dues directly support the…
The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University is pleased to announce a one-year internship in honor of Melvin Ember. Melvin Ember was President of HRAF from 1987 until his passing in 2009. The intent…
These clarifications will help you when referring to HRAF and eHRAF. Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) is the name of our non-profit organization at Yale University. eHRAF World Cultures is the name of HRAF’s online…
Francine Barone It’s time for our annual Year in Review. This article will summarize HRAF’s activities from the previous year as well as describe what you can expect to see from us over the next…
The American Anthropological Association is officially celebrating Anthropology Day on February 20, 2025. Anthropology Day is a day for anthropologists to celebrate our discipline while sharing it with the world around us. On Friday, February 21, the Human…
As we reflect on 2024 and look forward to a new year, HRAF would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to our newest member institutions. We are especially pleased by the diversity and global reach…
HRAF Academic Quarterly, Vol 2024-04 Francine Barone This summary features some of the exciting research accomplished using HRAF data from the eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology databases as well as Explaining Human Culture (EHC),…
The Winter Solstice is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere. Marking the longest night and shortest day of the year, the hibernal solstice is an astronomical event that takes place when the Earth reaches its…
HRAF is pleased to announce the recipients of the HRAF Global Scholars Program for 2025. This program provides scholars around the world with one year of complimentary access to our research databases, eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF…