Where can I learn about coding data and pre-coded data for eHRAF?
Learn more about coded data in eHRAF in our Cross-Cultural Research overview.
Learn more about coded data in eHRAF in our Cross-Cultural Research overview.
HRAF Academic Quarterly Vol 2024-03 Francine Barone This summary features some of the exciting research accomplished using HRAF data from the eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology databases as well as Explaining Human Culture (EHC),…
The National Science Foundation (NSF), in a grant to the Human Relations Area Files (BCS #2020156), is supporting three years of Summer Institutes for Cross-Cultural Anthropological Research. These Summer Institutes will train faculty, researchers, and…
What can artificial intelligence and machine learning contribute to anthropology, the most human of disciplines? Ethnography combines elements of science and humanities, with ethnographic writing mediating exposition and science. Data science techniques such as Natural…
HRAF is pleased to welcome two new team members, Sridhar Reddy Ravula and Aishwarya Kumar, who have joined us for our NSF-supported iKLEWS project. Sridhar, our development team leader, recently completed his Ph.D. in Data…
We are pleased to share information about the Human Relations Area Files’ collaboration with D-PLACE, the Database of Places, Language, Culture, and Environment. D-PLACE is an expandable and open-access database that brings together a dispersed…