Category Archives: Feature

HRAF celebrates Anthropology Day 2024

On Friday, February 16, the Human Relations Area Files at Yale University hosted a celebration in honor of Anthropology Day, the yearly event for anthropologists to share our discipline with the public. HRAF Director of Membership and…

Using eHRAF to explore supernatural explanations for natural and social events

Belief in the supernatural is a cultural universal. While there is considerable variation in supernatural belief systems across cultures, some form of belief in gods, spirits, and similar phenomena occurs in all cultures.  George Peter…

HRAF to host Anthropology Day 2024 celebration

The American Anthropological Association is officially celebrating Anthropology Day on February 15, 2024. Anthropology Day is a day for anthropologists to celebrate our discipline while sharing it with the world around us. On Friday, February…

NPR Article Features ‘Alloparenting’ Across Cultures

In an article for National Public Radio (NPR) titled Bringing up a baby can be a tough and lonely job. Here’s a solution: alloparents, Michaeleen Doucleff, PhD looks at the practice of alloparenting across cultures. Doucleff…

Ethnographic Data Science and eHRAF: inferring cultural patterns from ethnographic writing

What can artificial intelligence and machine learning contribute to anthropology, the most human of disciplines? Ethnography combines elements of science and humanities, with ethnographic writing mediating exposition and science. Data science techniques such as Natural…