Tag Archives: Archaeology

Announcing HRAF Global Scholars for 2024

HRAF is pleased to announce the recipients of the HRAF Global Scholars Program for 2024. This program provides scholars around the world with one year of complimentary access to our research databases, eHRAF World Cultures…

HRAF staff and UConn students celebrate Anthropology Day 2022

On Monday, February 28, the Human Relations Area Files at Yale University hosted a celebration in honor of Anthropology Day, the yearly event for anthropologists to share our discipline with the world around us. This was…

The Social Life of Cheese

There are few signifiers of culture more potent and recognizable than food. Nourishment and cultural identity share a deep-seated connection. Food, and especially our preferences for preparing, cooking and eating it, are about far more…

HRAF partners with the Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis

The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University recently became a partner in the Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis (CfAS), an organization focused on funding collaborative working groups in archaeology and related fields. The Coalition…

New publications from HRAF’s Advanced Research Center

by Carol R. Ember, HRAF President For the last five years, researchers affiliated with HRAF’s Advanced Research Center have conducted cross-cultural and cross-archaeological research on the possible effects of natural hazards and other ecological stressors…