Tag Archives: Anthropology

HRAF and the transition to remote education: Online anthropology amid #CovidCampus

This is a 3-part series. Go to Part 2: Teaching eHRAF: In-Class Activities for online learning Go to Part 3: Remote futures: tips for online teaching and learning in anthropology In the wake of the…

Knowledge is power: anthropology of proverbs

Francine Barone Proverbs are a simple way of expressing a well-known truth or adage based on common sense or experience. They are usually considered to be imbued with ancestral wisdom, passed down from generation to…

HRAF celebrates World Anthropology Day 2020

Anthropology Day is a day for anthropologists to celebrate our discipline while sharing it with the world around us. This year, World Anthropology Day will take place on Thursday, February 20, 2020. The Human Relations…

Researchers Use eHRAF World Cultures to Demonstrate “Universality and Diversity in Human Song”

Does vocal music, or song, exist across all known human cultures? What behaviors are commonly associated with it? Do the musical features of a song predict the behavioral context in which it is performed? Samuel…

Teaching a summer course with the eHRAF Workbooks

During the Summer 2020 term, HRAF’s member services manager Matthew Longcore taught an online course for the University of Connecticut. ANTH 1006 Introduction to Anthropology introduces students to the four subfields of anthropology: cultural anthropology,…