Tag Archives: HRAF

HRAF partners with the Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis

The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University recently became a partner in the Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis (CfAS), an organization focused on funding collaborative working groups in archaeology and related fields. The Coalition…

Marriage and Family – A New Topical Summary for Explaining Human Culture

A new topical summary on Marriage and Family is now available in Explaining Human Culture, our open access database that summarizes the results of over 1,000 cross-cultural studies. This EHC summary is co-authored by HRAF President Carol R.…

A Cross-Cultural Study of Uniformity in Dress

Why do people in some societies dress in uniform or standardized ways, whereas in other societies individuals display considerable variability in dress? Tentative answers to this question will appear as an article titled “Uniformity in…

Is Romantic Kissing a Cultural Universal? UConn Students Explore the Question with eHRAF

Is romantic kissing a cultural universal? According to cross-cultural researchers, the answer, definitively, is no. While western societies often take for granted the notion that romantic partners express their desire for one another through kissing,…

Featured HRAF Global Scholar: Sayema Khatun

HRAF Global Scholar: Sayema Khatun Title: Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology University Affiliation: Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh Research Topic: Policy Response to the Influx of Rohingya in Bangladesh Sayema Khatun is an Associate Professor in the Department…

Featured HRAF Global Scholar: Ouattara Seydou

HRAF Global Scholar: Ouattara Seydou Title: PhD Candidate in Sociology, Socioeconomics, Governance, and Development University Affiliation: Alassane Ouattara University, Côte d’Ivoire Research Topic: The Ivorian school: challenges and perspectives for a successful education system Ouattara…