Tag Archives: eHRAF World Cultures

Complete set of 186 SCCS cases available in eHRAF World Cultures

The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University is pleased to announce that eHRAF World Cultures now contains matching focal documents for all Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS) cases. The Standard Cross-Cultural Sample was created…

Ethnographic Insights Across Cultures: An online introduction to anthropology

In the third post in our series dedicated to online learning, we explored how the dynamics of classroom teaching everywhere are changing due to temporary campus closures. For instructors grappling with compiling work-from-home-friendly syllabi in…

Ancient solutions to modern problems? Re-examining burning practices

A few years ago, HRAF posted a story titled Burning questions: evidence for off-site fire use by hunter-gatherers in eHRAF Archaeology, which was written in follow up to the publication of a journal article Burning…

HRAF partnership with SACC

The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University is pleased to announce our new partnership with the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges (SACC). The partnership with SACC is part of the HRAF Community College…

Researchers Use eHRAF World Cultures to Demonstrate “Universality and Diversity in Human Song”

Does vocal music, or song, exist across all known human cultures? What behaviors are commonly associated with it? Do the musical features of a song predict the behavioral context in which it is performed? Samuel…