Author Archives: Francine Barone

Solving online teaching conundrums with eHRAF

Online learning presents myriad challenges for students and instructors alike. As providers of the world’s largest anthropological data bank, HRAF has been developing and curating digital resources in anthropology and archaeology for over two decades.…

Classroom fun with the HRAF Jeoparody quiz game

Are you looking for a fun classroom activity? We are happy to announce our first interactive HRAF game, produced by digital anthropologist, Francine Barone. The knowledge quiz is a play on the popular American television…

Think you know HRAF? Check out our podcast series on Choice’s ‘The Authority File’

Have you ever wondered how the Human Relations Area Files got its name? Or how we organized our ethnographic collections for members before the Internet? HRAF has partnered with Choice’s podcast The Authority File to…

Ethnographic Insights Across Cultures: An online introduction to anthropology

In the third post in our series dedicated to online learning, we explored how the dynamics of classroom teaching everywhere are changing due to temporary campus closures. For instructors grappling with compiling work-from-home-friendly syllabi in…

Featured HRAF Global Scholar: Sandi James

HRAF Global Scholar: Sandi James Title: PhD Candidate, Public Health and Social Policy University Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia and Universiti Malaysia, Sabah Research Topic: Exploring Alcohol use in Sabah, Malaysia: Preliminary results from an ethnographic study…

HRAF and the transition to remote education: Online anthropology amid #CovidCampus

This is a 3-part series. Go to Part 2: Teaching eHRAF: In-Class Activities for online learning Go to Part 3: Remote futures: tips for online teaching and learning in anthropology In the wake of the…