Author Archives: Francine Barone

New and Forthcoming Cultures and Traditions in eHRAF World Cultures & Archaeology (2019-2020)

A popular annual request from our members is for information about how we are growing our culture collections in our eHRAF databases. Below is a brief summary of what cultures and traditions we have added…

Teaching a summer course with the eHRAF Workbooks

During the Summer 2020 term, HRAF’s member services manager Matthew Longcore taught an online course for the University of Connecticut. ANTH 1006 Introduction to Anthropology introduces students to the four subfields of anthropology: cultural anthropology,…

Teaching with eHRAF Workbooks

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting faculty engaged in online and hybrid teaching, HRAF is pleased to announce the launch of eHRAF Workbooks. Designed to complement any introductory textbook or anthropology curriculum, eHRAF…

HRAF at Yale University attending 2019 AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, November 20-24

Are you attending the joint  meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA)  in Vancouver, BC, from November 20-24 2019? HRAF looks forward to seeing you there! President Carol R. Ember…

Remote futures: tips for online teaching and learning in anthropology

This is the third post in our COVID-19 response series. The first post presented an overview of eHRAF products as well as information about membership and extensions to our free trials. The second post featured…

HRAF Global Scholarship Feature: University of Caldas, Colombia

The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University is pleased to feature one of our institutional winners of the HRAF Global Scholarship. Founded in 1943, the University of Caldas (Universidad de Caldas) is a…