Author Archives: Francine Barone

HRAF at Yale University Announces Fulbright Award for 2020-2021

    The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University is pleased to announce that Dr. Teferi Abate Adem has received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award in the field of anthropology for the 2020-2021…

Recap of the First HRAF Summer Institute for Cross-Cultural Anthropological Research (July 19-August 6, 2021)

Our first NSF-supported Summer Institute for Cross-Cultural Anthropological Research[1] was held virtually this summer with 20 participants. It was an intense three weeks including a hefty mix of instruction, hands-on exercises, and substantial progress on…

New publications from HRAF’s Advanced Research Center

by Carol R. Ember, HRAF President For the last five years, researchers affiliated with HRAF’s Advanced Research Center have conducted cross-cultural and cross-archaeological research on the possible effects of natural hazards and other ecological stressors…

Featuring eHRAF research in Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology at University College Dublin

Students on University College Dublin‘s exciting new MSc/GradDip in Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology benefit from access to HRAF’s cross-cultural eHRAF World Cultures & eHRAF Archaeology databases, which enable searching ethnographic and archaeological data across a worldwide sample…

Solving online teaching conundrums with eHRAF

Online learning presents myriad challenges for students and instructors alike. As providers of the world’s largest anthropological data bank, HRAF has been developing and curating digital resources in anthropology and archaeology for over two decades.…