Tag Archives: Archaeology

Burning questions: evidence for off-site fire use by hunter-gatherers in eHRAF Archaeology

An insightful publication by Fulco Scherjon, Corrie Bakels, Katharine MacDonald, and Wil Roebroeks in the June 2015 issue of Current Anthropology sheds new light on present-day and historical fire setting practices among hunter-gatherers and foragers.…

Live webinars for eHRAF databases

In our live webinars, you can learn more about the eHRAF databases, including how cultures and traditions are organized by regions, sub-regions, samples, and subsistence types. First developed in the 1930s by George Peter Murdock,…

New Teaching Ideas for Faculty in Social Sciences

Teaching eHRAF is an innovative, interdisciplinary teaching resource for universities, colleges and high schools aimed at providing faculty with ideas on how to use the eHRAF World Cultures database in their curricula. Teaching eHRAF  includes…